Posts tagged leather pot holder
The Quickest Way to a Profitable Leathergoods Business

A lot of leathersmiths make the mistake of trying to build a leather business by making leathergoods that they like to make and then trying to sell said leathergoods to anyone and everyone that will listen.

But the problem with this is that your focus is on what YOU like to make and NOT what your customer needs or wants.

Your focus is on you when it needs to be on your customer.

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3 Simple DIY Gift Ideas for the Holidays

"How is it December already??"

Well, because we just wrapped up November and now we're moving on to the next month, which is December. It happens every year.

(this is what I want to say when people ask that question, haha) 

But I get it...

The holidays can be really stressful.

And if you're anything like me you've not done any shopping yet and start to break out in a cold sweat just thinking about what gifts to get friends and loved ones.

Before you start sweating, let me show you 3 SUPER simple holiday handmade gifts that you can make for friends or loved ones!

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